Entering Washington DC we concentrate on making the right turns to find our camp (Cherry Hill), which is north of the city at College Park.
And into another State we go................
After setting up camp, we decide to sit tight and attend their 4pm session on getting around DC.
At this session, they talk about a night tour with Greyline and we decide we will take this tonight to get a feel for the city. It leaves at 6pm so by the time the session is over and we arrange tickets it is time to leave.
First stop - The White House.
And yes that is snipers on the roof..... we are not able to get any closer as something is on. Later we see Air Force One fly the President in from Martha's Vineyard, before he headed down to view the flooding in Louisiana.
Down town near The White House and later, looking across at the Washington Memorial from the Jefferson Monument, below.
Next stop, Martin Luther King Monument.....
Then the Lincoln Memorial, which also looked back to the Washington Memorial over the water scene from Forest Gump.
Final monument on the tour was the Iwo Jima Monument, the Marine Corps War Memorial.

Back to camp between 10.30 to 11pm. Quick shower and into bed as we are stuffed
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