After some fun finding a camp to move to, we leave the Casino RV Park for Issaquah Village RV Camp. Seattle is not a fun place to drive through - very busy like Portland so we were pleased to arrive around 12.30 pm and settle in for a couple of days. After a bite to eat we head into the city center to look around and to check out the Hard Rock which they were building last time we were here.
Crossing the lake over to Seattle. |
Coming into central Seattle - very green. |
The fish market, famous for throwing fish around as they work - Daryl caught this shot of a flying fish in action if you can spot the fish....hard to see as it blends in but it is there!
Pic out the window at the markets across the city waterfront. Again we had a beautiful day to enjoy Seattle.
Of course we had to get the compulsory Macaroons......
So of course we had to go on the Ferris Wheel when Daryl discovered I hadn't been on one....
The view was fantastic from up above looking out both over the city and also over the bay and ship yards.
The view straight down.... |
After the ride we find a Carousel just waiting for some children to climb aboard - had to hold Daryl back.
We head back to Hard Rock Cafe for dinner and so Daryl could pick up some more guitars for his collection.
The drive home after the rush hour traffic had gone was good - you can just see the snow covered mountain peak in the background of this photo snapped out the car window as the sun goes down.
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