Friday, June 14, 2013

Minden - Pioneer Village

Well the Museum is sadly tired and in need of love and maintenance in general, however, there is a lot of 'stuff' and most likely something for everyone.....

The setting is quite pleasant and some TLC would go a long way. It took us most of the day to do the 26 sheds and we had to go back to RV for a break at about 2pm.

There would be millions of dollars of cars, wagons, farm equipment, crafts, art work, clothing, collectibles, period furniture, etc but it does not appear to have been maintained since the eighties.

Fire engine from days gone by

Daryl playing in the choochoo

Sod House

Air conditioning......maybe we should get one for the 40!

Sheds and sheds of cars............ and when you can't see up close they still look good...
Some of our camp friends..... 


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