Saturday, July 6, 2013

DeForest / Madison, WI

Day 1 in DeForest- 3rd of July.

The camp tell us there is a fireworks display tonight in Warner Park, Madison - Rhythm & Booms, so we head into Madison and drive past the park to see where it is and if we want to go and find a park later for the fireworks display. 
Continuing on into town we stop at the St James park on the lake side to have a look and then went on to find the state capital building.


Liberty Bell replica

Supreme Court House

View from the 6th floor observatory

It was about 2.30pm and tonight at 7pm there is a orchestra concert in the square..... It seems that you lay your blanket down and it is safe, no one will touch it & you come back when your ready.  Many people were making a day of it, even four hours before it starts - (there is a sign of rules stating no blankets until after 3pm.... but who's looking).  Not sure this would work in NZ.....

After dinner, we cruised down the road to DeForest town square as they were having a band in the beer garden for the 4th of July celebrations (tomorrow).  The band was the 'Love Monkeys' which was a wide mix of music but pretty good, so we had a beer and hung around for a while.


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