Following a lengthy period of indecision, we have resigned from work and spent the last month doing necessary maintenance on our home and finding suitable tenants.
Not an easy decision to leave family and friends again, but life is short and we only get one chance, and so we have made the move, which is both exciting and scary, knowing we will need to find work in UK to support our new adventure.
But first off, we head for Bakersfield, USA and our 'bach' (RV), which is a second home to us and all set up waiting to go. Once again Duane has been an angel and smogged the car for us before we arrive and welcomes us with open arms.
Our first night @ Duane's |
After quite a good flight and trip through customs, we pick up the rental car and head out over the grapevine to Bakersfield - we return the rental the same day, so this works out very economical - cheaper than a single bus fare. Geoff Edgington is staying with Duane and collects us from the rental company. Arriving at Duane's we uncover our baby and see what state she is in this time - extremely good with hardly any dust inside makes life a lot easier and we quickly set about washing her down and wiping her out.
An easy dinner (pizza) with our friends before we all turn in as it has been a long day and Duane has an early start (3.30am) in the morning, heading for the LA Roadster Show. We are all heading there tomorrow but the two couples will be leaving later - gentleman's hours.
In the morning we head into the AAA to sort out registration on the car and pick up some fresh food for the camper. After loading the car on to the trailer and hitching up, we check the tyres etc and head off around 11.30am, stopping for petrol and on top of the Grapevine to make a sandwich for lunch.
On our way again and set to arrive by 2.15pm, we turn the corner and hit traffic as far as you can see, crawling all the way at about 5km's. An hour and a half later we pass the crash site, which is just broken glass on the road by now, but the delay has caused us to now hit rush hour traffic on a Friday afternoon in LA, plus being father's day this weekend. We arrive in camp after 5pm, hot bothered and frustrated, but thankful to be there and finally we can set up and settle in.
We have been here two days and crossed the grapevine twice, hitting accidents both ways - aren't we lucky but that is just the way it goes.
After settling in we catch up with Duane & Dianna and Geoff & Judy, heading out for a meal with good friends.
Day 3 - LA Roadster Show
Of course Daryl has timed this right .......and we head into the show in the morning for the day, checking out the cars and sights around us to see whats new etc. The shows seems more spread out and there is definitely less people here, both as sellers or as visitors. As usual there is a large contingency of Kiwis, - over 200 and most are heading home on the Sunday flight - going to be full plane, so we get to catch up with lots of friends plus several who now live state side.
We also had a great time catching up with Tony, who we purchased the 40 off in 2013 and getting their views on life in America now.
The deal with Tony in 2013. |
After a long day walking around, we make the rounds of Kiwis drinking in the back corners (usual story).........and say our goodbyes, it takes another hour or so to head out of the showgrounds as we catch up with others along the way. My feet are killing me by this time and I am pleased to flop down in the car.
We find a 99c supermarket after some searching and find enough to make a salad and sausages for dinner. Home to camp and we organise dinner and a whiskey. Record heat and apparently going to be even hotter tomorrow - around 108 degrees in LA.
Day 4:
Our first camp site for 2016 and steak for dinner tonight. Great supermarket with fresh food - take a number and they cut your meat how you want it when it's your turn, same in the deli - a couple of slabs of cheese, etc. Love the supermarkets over here and so cheap compared to home it makes you cry
From winter to a heatwave - it's bloody hot over here, like walking in a microwave but we are coping very well and our first swim made it - beautiful. Tomorrow promises to be even hotter -record breaking for LA.
Daryl went back to the Roadster show today & I did the washing etc.... Blister's on my soles from yesterday so not walking to far today! All good.